Sell Ladderblast services.
Earn income from revenue you generate.
Sell our services and make between 25 to 50% of the revenue you generate.
How our affiliate partnership program works
Sign up
Sign up to begin your journey as a Ladderblast affiliate partner and become one of many making extra income.
Share your personal web-page to potential customers and receive income from any services purchased through your page.
Earn up to 50% in associate commissions from qualifying purchases. 25% is the minimum amount of commission you can earn.
How do I sign up for the program?
Pay your registration fee. Fees vary based on location.
United States: $10
Jamaica: $10,000 JMD
Belize: 10 BZD
Haiti: 100 HG
India: 400 RP
Tanzania: 13,000 TS
Nigeria: N1000
Liberia: 500 LD
Kenya: 1000 KES
Solomon Islands: 42 SID
South Africa: ZAR 100
United Kingdom: 10P
Barbados: 10 BD
European Union: 10 Euro
(individuals can apply for a waiver in the following locations: Haiti, Borno State, Nigeria)
Sign up to the program here.
After signing up and paying the registration fees, you’ll get a personalized webpage to sell all available services, plans, and products.
You can share your link on social media and work with our advertising team to create content for your personal use.
USA , UK & EU participants only
25% of all local revenue generated will be paid into your account the following Friday of each week.
All other countries
50% of all local generated revenue will be paid into your account the following Friday of each week.
United States of America
Individuals living within the United States and all of it's territories are qualified to join the affiliate program.
Individuals within the following countries can participate: Barbados, Belize, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tanzania, United Kingdom, and all members of the European Union